Why Should You Consume Eggs In Monsoon? Here Are 7 Health Benefits To Know

Written by Prerna Mittra | Updated : August 13, 2024 7:52 PM IST Doctors always advise consuming one egg every day, so as to strengthen the body from within, get a good dose of nutrients and nourishment, and boost immunity, which is especially required during this time of the year when there are plenty of monsoon illnesses and infections. In the rainy season, the diet should be such that one is able to ward off and fight diseases like dengue, malaria, typhoid, diarrhea, constipation, etc. You must consider eating eggs this season, which are an excellent addition to your diet. Read on to find out about the many health benefits, and the ideal way/s to consume them. Eggs are recommended for adults and children, and especially for pregnant women. They contain vitamin D, which helps regulate immune cell function and supports overall immune system health . This is a health fact that most people know about: eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. Protein can take care of a host of health problems and give your immunity a much-needed boost this rainy season . More News Eggs contain antioxidants like 'lutein' and 'zeaxanthin', which protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation. Consume eggs every day, as the antioxidants present in them can also benefit eye health and reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Since eggs are such rich sources of protein, they are great for the skin and hair. Eggs are also rich in biotin, vitamin B12, and other nutrients that promote healthy hair and nail growth. Eggs are said to be low in calories and high in protein, making them a great addition to a weight-management diet. At the same time, eggs are a good source of iron, too, which can help prevent anemia and support the production of healthy red blood cells. Here are some ways to eat eggs during the rainy season : Disclaimer: The above-mentioned information is generic. It is not a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult with a specialist or a doctor for more information pertaining to your health and history. Additionally, remember to eat fresh eggs from reputable shops to ensure food safety during the monsoon season, when one is at a risk of suffering from food-borne illnesses. Don’t Miss Out on the Latest Updates. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Today! Enroll for our free updates Thank You for Subscribing Thanks for Updating Your Information None

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