Telegram controversy: IT Ministry asks MHA for update on Indian violations following CEO’s arrest in Paris

The Indian Ministry of Information Technology (IT) has requested the Ministry of Home Affairs for an update on the status of complaints against the messaging app Telegram, following the recent arrest of its Chief, Pavel Durov, in Paris. Sources revealed that the IT Ministry is seeking clarification on whether any similar violations or complaints exist in India and what actions might be required. Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder and CEO, was detained at Paris-Le Bourget Airport on August 24, 2024, based on an arrest warrant issued for alleged offences connected to his platform, including money laundering and drug trafficking. Durov, who holds dual citizenship of France and Russia, was apprehended upon arriving in France from Azerbaijan. In response to the arrest, the IT Ministry has reached out to the Ministry of Home Affairs to investigate the current status of any pending complaints against Telegram in India . Sources noted that the IT Ministry does not have investigative authority in this matter; instead, the focus of the IT Ministry is on ensuring that compliance issues are addressed and that the platform adheres to legal standards. The sources emphasized that the IT Ministry is concerned with understanding whether Telegram faces similar issues in India, what the status of any complaints is, and what further actions might be necessary. Additionally, there is interest in whether Telegram could invoke the safe harbour clause, which typically requires platforms to collaborate with law enforcement agencies and assist in investigations if necessary. An email query sent to the IT Ministry regarding this issue did not receive an immediate response. Meanwhile, sources clarified that while the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) operates under the Ministry of IT, its mandate focuses on cybersecurity offences rather than broader cybercrimes. The situation has raised questions about the responsibilities of messaging platforms and their cooperation with law enforcement, especially in light of the recent international developments concerning Telegram. Get live Share Market updates, Stock Market Quotes , and the latest India News … Read More and business news on Financial Express. Download the Financial Express App for the latest finance news. None

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