Chandra Grahan 2024: Is A Lunar Eclipse Happening On December 15? Know The Truth And Its Significance

Many people wonder whether there will be a lunar eclipse on December 15, 2024 , as it coincides with a full moon . As we know, a lunar eclipse always occurs on a full moon, while a solar eclipse takes place on Amavasya (new moon). Since December 15 is a full moon day, the question arises: is there a lunar eclipse today? Let’s clarify. According to Drik Panchang, December 15 marks the Margashirsha Purnima , a significant full moon day in the Hindu calendar. While you will witness the luminous beauty of the full moon tonight, no lunar eclipse or solar eclipse will occur on this day. It's important to note that while there are 12 full moons in a year, lunar eclipses do not accompany every one of them. Typically, there are 2-3 lunar eclipses annually. In 2024, there have already been two lunar eclipses: the first on March 25 and the second on September 18. Therefore, December 15’s full moon is not associated with an eclipse but still holds great religious and spiritual significance. The full moon night of December 15 is celebrated as Margashirsha Purnima in Hinduism. This auspicious day is dedicated to worshiping Lord Vishnu, with many devotees observing a fast and performing special rituals. According to religious beliefs, activities such as bathing in holy rivers, donating to the needy, and offering prayers carry immense merit on this day. Devotees who fast typically break their fast by offering Arghya (a water offering) to the moon at night. This year, the importance of Margashirsha Purnima is amplified due to the formation of two highly auspicious yogas. On this year’s Margashirsha Purnima, two significant yogas—Sadhya Yoga and Siddha Yoga—are being formed, making this day especially favorable. Sadhya Yoga: It is believed that any task undertaken during Sadhya Yoga is destined to succeed. Siddha Yoga: This yoga is considered ideal for beginning new ventures or spiritual practices, ensuring positive outcomes. Both yogas enhance the spiritual significance of Margashirsha Purnima, encouraging devotees to take advantage of this rare alignment to perform auspicious activities. (Also Read: Don’t Miss The Stunning ‘Cold Moon’ Tonight: A Rare Sight That Won’t Be Back Until 2043!) Even though there is no lunar eclipse today, the full moon of December 15 stands out as a spiritually meaningful event in the Hindu calendar. The combination of Margashirsha Purnima’s rituals, the presence of auspicious yogas, and the serene beauty of the full moon make this day worth celebrating. So, while skygazers won’t witness a celestial phenomenon like a lunar eclipse, they can catch a glimpse of the gorgeous fukll moon. The night also holds a different kind of significance—one rooted in faith, tradition, and spirituality. None

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