SHOCKING! Class 9 student suddenly becomes millionaire for five hours, his fortune later vanishes as...

VIRAL In a bizarre turn of events, a student in Bihar's Muzaffarpur suddenly turned a millionaire after he checked his bank account one fine day, as reported by Hindustan Times. Meemansa Shekhawat Updated : Dec 19, 2024, 04:35 PM IST In a bizarre turn of events, a student in Bihar's Muzaffarpur suddenly turned a millionaire after he checked his bank account one fine day, as reported by Hindustan Times. Saif Ali, a class 9 student, went to a cyber cafe to withdraw Rs 500 from his account. To his surprise, the account displayed a staggering number - Rs 87.65 crore. This was something that left Ali and the cafe owner astonished. Assuming it was a mistake, they checked the account again; but it continued displaying the same figure. Following this, Saif Ali ran home to tell his mother about the "good news". With the help of a neighbour, they visited the Customer Service Point (CSP) to obtain a bank statement. But, Ali and his family again took a jolt as the account displayed merely Rs 532. Subsequently, his account was frozen. Saif Ali and his family reports irregularity to the bank Following the surprising turn of events, Saif Ali and his family reported the irregularity to the bank. The bank officials confirmed that a massive sum had been withdrawn from the account. Meanwhile, the North Bihar Gramin Bank has initiated a probe into the matter to uncover how such a huge amount was credited to Saif's bank account. The bank officials are yet to provide a clarification on the same, said the HT report. None

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