Here’s why those labels on protein bars could be ‘misleading’

In recent years, protein bars have become a go-to snack for health-conscious consumers seeking convenient nutrition. However, content creator Dr Rupy Aujla is urging caution regarding these seemingly virtuous treats. Despite labels touting benefits like ‘high fibre, ‘low sugar,’ or ‘gut healthy,’ many protein bars may not be as nutritious as they appear at first glance. He captions a post, “Many ‘healthy’ foods are heavily advertised as convenient and nutritious snacks or meal replacements, but a deeper look at the ingredients might make you think twice before reaching for them in the shops!” A post shared by Dr Rupy Aujla (@doctors_kitchen) Tanya Mehra, child nutritionist, explains, “Common additives and artificial ingredients in protein bars include artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame, sugar alcohols such as maltitol and erythritol, and preservatives like BHT and BHA. These ingredients can impact gut health by causing digestive issues like bloating, gas, and diarrhoea in sensitive individuals.” Additionally, artificial sweeteners may disrupt the gut microbiome balance, potentially leading to long-term health issues. Overconsumption of these additives can also impact overall well-being by contributing to metabolic disorders and other health problems. While protein bars can be convenient, Mehra states, they often lack the comprehensive nutrient profile of natural protein sources like nuts and seeds. “Natural sources provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and healthy fats essential for overall health.” According to her, protein bars may be fortified with certain vitamins and minerals , but they often lack the fibre and healthy fats in whole foods. Additionally, the protein in bars is sometimes derived from isolated sources, which may not be as bioavailable or beneficial as in whole foods. Mehra strongly agrees with Dr Aujla. She says, “Labels like ‘high in fibre,’ ‘low sugar,’ or ‘gut healthy’ can be misleading because they may not provide the full context of the product’s nutritional value.” For example, she adds, a product labelled ‘high in fibre’ might contain added fibre from synthetic sources rather than natural ingredients. ‘Low sugar’ products often replace sugar with artificial sweeteners , which can have health drawbacks. ‘Gut healthy’ claims may rely on minimal amounts of probiotics that are insufficient to provide any real benefits. She suggests, “Consumers should look for labels with minimal, recognisable ingredients, check the amount and source of fibre, scrutinise sugar substitutes, and seek out products with whole food ingredients and minimal processing.” Regular consumption of protein bars, especially those with artificial additives, can lead to negative long-term effects such as digestive issues, nutrient imbalances, and potential disruptions to the gut microbiome, informs Mehra. To avoid these potential issues, she believes it’s better to opt for healthier and equally convenient alternatives like homemade trail mix , Greek yoghurt with fresh fruit, nut butter on whole grain toast, or hard-boiled eggs. “These alternatives provide balanced nutrition from whole foods, which supports overall health and well-being without artificial additives.” DISCLAIMER: This article is based on information from the public domain and/or the experts we spoke to. Always consult your health practitioner before starting any routine. None

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