BOLLYWOOD Bhaskar also shared that it was his son who insisted on attending the event on December 4 as he was a big Allu Arjun fan. The 8-year-old, ever since the stampede at Sandhya theatre, has been in a coma for 20 days, occasionally opening his eyes. Riddhima Kanetkar Updated : Dec 24, 2024, 08:19 AM IST | Edited by : Riddhima Kanetkar As the controversy around Allu Arjun intensifies, the husband of Revathi, the Pushpa 2 stampede victim, has clarified that he does not hold the superstar responsible for his wife's tragic death. Bhaskar, Revathi's husband, is currently battling on all fronts especially since his eight-year-old son remains in a coma. Now, in an interview with NDTV, he shared how Allu Arjun has been helping their family since the second day after the incident. "We do not want to blame anybody and consider it our bad luck… we were blamed for the arrest but we do not have the strength to fight. I am ready to withdraw the case. I was not aware of the arrest, and Allu Arjun has nothing to do with the stampede in which my wife passed away," Bhaskar was quoted as saying. Bhaskar also shared that it was his son who insisted on attending the event on December 4 as he was a big Allu Arjun fan. The 8-year-old, ever since the stampede at Sandhya theatre, has been in a coma for 20 days, occasionally opening his eyes but unable to recognise anyone. "We do not know how long the treatment will take," Bhaskar said of his son's condition. Meanwhile, the Pushpa 2 producers have provided financial aid of Rs 50 lakh to the family. Producer Naveen Yerneni visited the boy on Sunday and handed over the cheque to the family to help with the treatment. Revathi's husband Bhaskar also mentioned, in a heartbreaking update, that his daughter is still unaware of her mother's death. "We have told her that she has gone to the village. She has no idea about what happened." READ | AP Dhillon visits his 'crush' Malaika Arora's Mumbai restaurant after concert, sparks dating rumours; watch viral video None
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