New Delhi: The much-awaited trailer of Azaad, Abhishek Kapoor’s action-packed big-screen adventure, has finally dropped, marking the start of an exciting new year for moviegoers. The film introduces debutants Aaman Devgan and Rasha Thadani, who received an overwhelming response from audiences after the teaser release. Now, with the highly anticipated trailer out, fans are eagerly awaiting to see the duo on the big screen. A post shared by Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) Apart from the fresh faces, Azaad also features superstar Ajay Devgn in a gripping, powerful role, alongside the talented Diana Penty and Mohit Malik. This action-packed adventure promises to immerse audiences in a completely new cinematic world, blending high-octane action, drama, and suspense in Abhishek Kapoor’s unique style. Abhishek Kapoor expressing about the film said, "Azaad' is a long-held vision that has finally come to life, and I'm thrilled to share it with the world. This film is a testament to the transformative power of human-animal connections, and I firmly believe its universal themes will strike a chord with audiences of all ages. Our talented cast, led by the incomparable Ajay Devgn, has poured their hearts and souls into their performances, and the fresh perspectives brought by Aaman and Rasha have infused the story with a vibrant energy. 'Azaad' is a cinematic dream born from passion, dedication, and a clear vision. I'm eager for audiences to experience the magic of this film on the big screen and be inspired by its timeless message.” Rasha Thadani added, “Azaad is very special to me as it's my first project. I can't be more grateful to Abhishek sir for giving me this opportunity and believing in for me. This has been a beautiful and incredibly special journey altogether. I am really excited for the audience to see this!” Further Aaman Devgan added, “I’m truly honored to be a part of Azaad. A big thank you to Abhishek sir for trusting me with this role. It’s a dream come true, and I’m excited for everyone to experience the film.” Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, the film promises an emotional tale about the unbreakable bond between humans and animals, showcasing an intense journey of love, loyalty, and courage. The film is all set to race in cinemas from January 17, 2025. None
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