Bollywood’s fiery queen, Kangana Ranaut , is all set to make her grand return to the silver screen with her highly anticipated political drama Emergency . After facing delays and controversies, the film is now gearing up to hit theatres on January 17 , and the buzz around it is electric. Adding fuel to the excitement, the makers have dropped a brand-new trailer that has left fans raving about Kangana’s transformation into former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Kangana, who also directs the film, portrays Indira Gandhi in what many are calling the performance of a lifetime. Her intense dialogues and commanding screen presence in the trailer have already convinced fans that she’s eyeing her fifth National Award . One fan gushed, “Kangana never disappoints when it comes to acting. This might just be her career-best performance!” Another fan confidently declared, “Mark my words, National Award incoming. She’s unstoppable!” The gripping trailer opens with veteran actor Anupam Kher as Jayaprakash Narayan, penning a powerful letter to the Prime Minister from his prison cell. The narrative swiftly transitions to Kangana’s Indira Gandhi, a force to be reckoned with, as she unapologetically declares a state of emergency in India. One of the most spine-chilling moments in the trailer is Kangana’s reference to the Hindu epic Mahabharata, where she boldly declares, “This is Indraprastha, and we have declared war against the Kauravas.” The trailer ends on a thunderous note with her iconic line, “India is Indira, and Indira is India.” The dialogues, combined with Kangana’s striking resemblance to Gandhi, have left audiences spellbound. The journey to Emergency ’s release has been anything but smooth. The film, which delves into the tumultuous period of the 1977 Emergency in India, faced hurdles with CBFC censor requirements and legal challenges. Several scenes were reportedly trimmed, and edits were made before the makers got the green light. Despite these delays, the film’s anticipation has only grown stronger, with fans eagerly awaiting its theatrical release. The comments section under the trailer is brimming with love and admiration for Kangana. A fan remarked, “She’s indestructible. Just look at her! There’s a reason she’s called the Queen. Emergency is going to be a blockbuster!” Another added, “Finally, a film worth watching in theaters. Kangana’s dedication to her craft is unmatched.” With veteran actors like Anupam Kher adding depth to the narrative, the film promises a gripping exploration of one of India’s most controversial political chapters. As Emergency inches closer to its release, the film has already established itself as one of the most anticipated movies of the year. With Kangana’s powerhouse performance and the compelling story of India’s Emergency era, the film is poised to make waves both critically and commercially. Will Emergency become Kangana’s ticket to yet another National Award? Fans certainly think so, and the wait to find out has only become more thrilling. Mark your calendars for January 17 , because Emergency is ready to shake up the box office! None
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