Two-year-old boy falls into borewell in Karnataka, rescue operations on in full swing

Rescue operations have been progressing for the past 16 hours to rescue a two-year-old boy who fell into a 20-feet open borewell in Karnataka’s Vijayapura district on Wednesday. According to officials, the toddler who has been identified as Satwik Mujagond, a native of Lachyan village, is still alive. State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), firefighters and police personnel are pressed into service to rescue the child. They said that it might take another hour to complete the rescue operation. The incident took place at Indi taluk around 6 pm on Wednesday while the child was playing in a farm. According to eye-witnesses, the borewell was left open without any warnings or precaution. The authorities are making arrangements for oxygen supply while digging works have begun simultaneously with the help of earth movers. Minister for Large and Medium Scale Industries M B Patil, who is in charge of Vijayapura, has directed the district administration to expedite measures to rescue the toddler. Taking it to X, Patil said “I am being apprised of minute-to-minute updates from the district administration. I pray that the child may be safely be reunited with the parents.” Indi Assistant Commissioner Abid Gadyal told reporters the police, fire fighters, revenue and other officials were sent to the spot as soon as they received an alert. “The doctors have also been summoned, where they are ensuring oxygen supply into the well,” the officer said. None

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