Written by Prerna Mittra | Updated : January 6, 2025 8:52 PM IST Recently, a 53-year-old patient from Ghaziabad experienced severe symptoms that required him to receive medical help on an emergency basis. The man arrived at a hospital complaining of recurrent black stools , water accumulation in his abdomen and lungs , swollen feet , and rapidly developing jaundice . Once he was evaluated, doctors at Sanar International Hospitals -- where he was treated -- found that he had been suffering from 'decompensated chronic liver disease'. Due to the aforementioned symptoms, the patient's quality of life deteriorated, and his daily routine was significantly impacted, too. Doctors determined that excessive fat had collected in his liver over a period of time, causing it to get damaged and eventually fail. According to Dr Ankur Garg, HOD and senior consultant, HPB surgery and liver transplant at the hospital, who was assigned to this patient's case, fatty liver usually does not show any symptoms in its initial stages, which was the case with this patient as well. The man had been completely unaware and did not feel any discomfort, until it turned out to be end-stage liver disease . Based on his evaluation, liver transplantation was the only curative option left for him. Naturally, the family was distraught. The patient and his loved ones were explained and counselled regarding his health condition. His sister-in-law offered to be a voluntary liver donor, as no other family member was a suitable match. The procedure was successful, and the entire family could return home satisfied and relieved. Dr Garg explained that in the last few decades, fatty liver has become more prevalent than before. Even though it is preventable at many stages, it has emerged as one of the leading causes of chronic liver diseases. Many times, this severity leads to liver failure. More News "It is also seen that today 15 to 20 per cent of liver transplants are performed due to fatty liver, which was around 4 to 5 per cent decades ago. While incidences of viral hepatitis are on the rise, unhealthy lifestyles are also adding to the prevailing risks. A highlighting fact is that fatty liver may not show any symptoms in the initial stage, and may occur due to genetic reasons as well. It leads to the conclusion that there are higher chances a fatty liver may go undetected until it results in a severe condition ," he cautioned. Fatty liver is a condition where excess fat builds up in the liver cells. Its causes may include obesity, diabetes, heavy drinking, and high cholesterol. Some of its common symptoms are abdominal swelling, fatigue, weight loss , nausea and vomiting, and yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice), as was the case with the patient from Ghaziabad. Dr Garg said the solution to such a condition can be presented at two levels. "One is preventive, and another is treatment. While one may help to avoid its occurrence, the second may provide a permanent solution." Preventive measures for fatty liver include the following: Treatment measures for fatty liver include the following: The doctor concluded by saying that with a comprehensive approach, the rapid increase in fatty liver incidence can be prevented. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being regular with check-ups can maintain liver health. "Never ignore any symptoms, especially any discomfort in the stomach. This is not always due to an upset stomach; any delay will only add to its severity. Instead of following home remedies, consult a doctor if symptoms persist. In severe cases, a liver transplant may be suggested depending on the patient's health condition." Don’t Miss Out on the Latest Updates. Subscribe to Our Newsletter Today! Enroll for our free updates Thank You for Subscribing Thanks for Updating Your Information None
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Why A 53-Yr-Old With Black Stools, Swollen Feet, Jaundice Wasn't Aware Of His Fatty Liver Situation
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